G P S C - 2 0 0 7 ( Preliminary and Main exams)
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Civil Service Examination-the door step to power
The Civil Service Examination, conducted by UPSC in Center and GPSC in Gujarat STATE every year is a
common examination for selecting personnel to various services like IAS,IPS,IFS etc(UPSC) and GPSC (GAS). The recruitment
process starts with the publication of special Gazette, which contains the detailed plan of exam, total number of vacancies,
date of examination etc.
- Qualification: Graduation
- Age: 21 to 30 years (33 years for OBC and 35years for SC/ST)
- Number of Attempts: 4 for General Category, 7 for OBC and Unlimited chance for SC/ST
of Examination
The Civil Service Examination consists of three stages:
1. Civil Service Preliminary Exam (GPSC also)
Civil Service Main Exam (GPSC also)
3. Interview (GPSC also)
Preliminary Exam:
The Preliminary exam, normally conducts in the last week of May, consists of two papers of objective type
multiple-choice questions:
Paper I: General Studies
It includes 150 multiple-choice questions carrying 150
marks and covers the following broad disciplines:
–General science
–Current Events of National and International
–History of India and Indian National Movement
–Indian and World Geography
–Indian Polity
and Indian Economy
–General Mental Ability
Paper II: Optional Subject
Selected from the list of
23 subjects. The paper contains 120 multiple choice questions carrying 300 marks.
[List of optional subjects Agriculture,
Animal Husbandry, Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerece, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology,
Indian History, Law, Mathematics, MechanicalEngineering, MedicalScience, Philosophy, Physics, Political science, Psychology,
Public Administration, Sociology, Statitics, Zoology]
For both General Studies and Optionals, the course content of the syllabi is of graduation level. Each paper
is of two hours duration. Question paper will be both in English and Hindi. (Gujarati for GPSC)
Main Examination:
Only those who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary examination are eligible
to appear for Main examination. The number of candidates admitted in the main examination is about 10 or 11 times of the total
vacancies to be filled. The Written part of the exam is usually conducted in October /November, spreading over 3 weeks. The
main examination is intended to assess the overall intellectual traits and the depth of the understanding of the candidates
rather than merely the range of their information and memory.
The Main Examination consists of the following papers:
I: One of the Indian Languages to be selected from the 8th schedule of the Indian Constitution-300 marks
II: English- 300 marks
Paper III: Essay-200 marks
Paper IV&V: General Studies-300 marks for
each paper
Paper VI, VII, VIII & IX: Any two subjects to be selected from the list of Optional subjects. Each
subject has two papers of 300 marks each.
All the 9 papers will be of conventional essay type questions of 3 hours duration.
English and regional language will be of qualifying nature only. The students can appear the exam either in English or Hindi,
except English language paper. (Gujarati for GPSC)
[List of Optional subjects Agriculture, Animal Husbandry,
Anthropology Botany, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Commerce, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Geography, Geology, Indian
History, Law, Mathematics, Management, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Science, Philosophy, Physics, Political science, Psychology,
Public Administration, Sociology, Statistics, Zoology and Literatures of one of the following languages: Arabic, Assamese,
Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali,
Oriya, Pali, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Sansrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu]
Interview test carries 300 marks. The objective of the interview is to assess the personal adaptability of
the candidate for a career in public service. The test is intended to judge the mental calibre and social traits of the candidate.
Final Ranking:
Final selection of the candidates is determined by adding the total marks in Written test and interview.